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I wonder

Am I the weird one

Or is it everybody else?

she's the sea.

Letting go and moving on for your own sake might sound egoistic and it maybe is.

Though, it seems like the only way to achieve what you want - not what others want you to achieve. It's a recipe for a happy life even if everybody else will tell you you're making their lives unhappy. 

If people tell you that all you do is wrong, harmful and painful for them, don't they actually do to you what they're accusing you for?

Shouldn't we empower each other and be happy for each other because you follow your own path in your own pace  - especially nowadays where everythig is moving so fast?

If it wouldn't be for myself for who else would it then be?

breath life in

breath life out

the light breeze of the unspoken 
the mystery of the depth

read me 

right in front

right behind

always here

always blind

I want to realease you form your demons,
make all the pain undone.
I want to carry the weight someone has put on your shoulders, so you can walk with light feet through the sands.
I want to empower your pureness and your perfection.
You're magical. Never forget that nobody can take this from you. 

Touch my soul

My curious eye

Taste the salt

Forever mine

wound by wound I go and find

shivering and shaking 

regardless of wind

further I walk to explore the light

I encounter nothing

I am alive

if the wave is nice then why not take it? 

take me back to where we met

a silent place, the hill in red

fog cuts our way and we let go

of what we used to love

of what we used to know


There are questions I just don't know the answers to. My body and my mind escaped to another place. A place so far away from you. My absence is your pain. My word is the straw you hold on to, so tight. It's killing me.

waves in my ears

winds in my eyes

the feeling of guilt

the pleasure of life

All those plans 

but we're still here

I piece together what is mine.

 A layer of visible cracks wraps in 

the old soul that lives in here. Something that was broken once can never go back to that  flawless virginity. Thus, it can overcome it all and become the light in the ocean at nighttime. 

you are all that I am not


Never a friend, always around

Never an enemy, fertile ground

the cold water on my skin

the salt in my eyebrows

goosebumps cover my body

sand stuck between my hair

so helplessly romantic


wet paper cuts my breath

there's no way up

there's no way out

anyway I'm here

your skin to see

your ears to taste

eyes to communicate

I don't know what my path is. 

I have no idea where this is leading to. 

Am I half way there? Did I take some weird turns?

Who am I and what is my mission? 


Who are you and what are you here for?

as I kissed the flower

it's blossoms fell on the floor

where they became withered

where they became air

open up the ocean 

jump on in 

Never run from your inside. Let it out, watch it. Learn to touch it without being scared. 

Once she let go of any expectations 

she lived happily ever after. 

your alternating rhythm is like the wind on the oceans surface. Waves chase their shape, they become bigger, they become smaller and if it disappears the waves disappear too. 

a beautiful gift to give

a miserable companion to trust 

in the end the ashes will always create art

Once we have realised that we can be whoever we want, wherever we like, time starts feeling endless. 

I wish my word wasn't your hope

neither that it was your joy 

I wish I could give you something to hold on to 

something but memories

forgiving is possible the most difficult and curing decision in life


imagine of all the beautiful things that could happen if we'd just let go

when there were no plans and we'd let life flow

when future was only a word like every other word too

there is something better than perfection

the act

we're the spring

we're the water

we're the driving force

we're one. 

We're everything they don't want us to be. 

We're women.

Me as a woman

I decide whether you're allowed to judge me or not 

I decide whether you're allowed to touch me or not

I decide about what I find good or bad

I decide how I want to look

I decide how I want to be treated

I decide what happens to me 

I decide about my life and it's course

You do not touch this autonomy

You do not even try to get close to it

You do not question it under no circumstances

I believe in my capacities like I believe in the sun, that rises and sets day in day out, that magically colours the landscapes in light orange and pink

The same way I believe in you

I'm my best friend, my hero, my adventure and my consolation. I'll never be the way you'll want me to be and I'll never do what you want me to do. I belong to myself and to nobody else.

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